WOW - I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted. I've been super busy and alot of great things have been taking place.
The last week of October saw Bruce (my husband) and I in Atlanta, Georgia for a gigantic healthcare product show called Medtrade. It truly was huge - even if seasoned veterans were disappointed that it was only half the size. The show went well and just how well will depend on the coming months as orders continue to come in.
We learned alot about HME's, DME's, the business of American healthcare and much more. It was truly a fantastic trip. The bonus was meeting up with friends we hadn't seen since our North Carolina days. What a great time we had dining out and getting re-aquainted.
Last week Bruce and I were in Toronto for the WinDoor tradeshow held anually in November. We really felt the crunch of the economy at this show. Buyers stayed home and the show was virtually void of any traffic. We made the best of it and enjoyed walking downtown - visiting the St. Lawrence Market for the first time - dining at our favourite seafood restaurant Pier 4 with Fred and Sylvia and even the downtime.
Thanks to all the really great people who helped me prepare for my first International Tradeshow: Tim, Elizabeth, Deb, Bruce, Fred, Tanis, Bill from MB Trade, TC4 Graphics and others. Couldn't have done it without you.