Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dragon's Den Audition on CBC

It's true - I've taken the plunge. Some people have called me brave - other's crazy - you be the judge. Click on the link Dragon's Den Audition to visit my audition tape for Dragon's Den. So why am I trying to get on Dragon's Den? Well... as my audition says - it all comes down to distribution. It's a great product but it needs to get across Canada and into the U.S. for people to really benefit from it. So... take a few minutes, sign up for a CBC account and please vote for me!

Thanks for your support.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Book Travels without Author

It's true the Personal Healthcare Journal will be attending BookExpo Canada in the New Titles Showcase in downtown Toronto without me. It's kind of like sending your kid half-way around the world to do humanitarian work and hope that he'll come back in one piece.

Book Expo Canada for the unaware is where you go to be seen. Publishers, retailers, wholesalers and distributors converge in one place in Toronto for two glorious days to check out each other's stuff. Having never been there myself - my guess is that it's somewhat like a car or bike show - a lot of posturing and tire kicking along with admiration for new products and perhaps a little buying and selling.

Here's what I'm hoping for... some awareness and attention. My little company that can with one title is hoping someone will pick me out of the crowd and want to check out this guppy in a big sea of marlins.

I'll keep you posted. The show dates are June 15 & 16.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Personal Healthcare Journal

Due to popular demand from the boomer generation, the Personal Healthcare Journal for Seniors cover is being fazed out and a new cover excluding (for Seniors) is being introduced.

Anticipated date for re-release is May 23. Stay tuned and check back for updates.